The significance of the new National Art Gallery is made perceptible by a significant, shimmering ART CASE on the roof of the City Hall. The ART CASE consists of a modular combination of cubes which build a large-scale space. Various ART CUBES break away from the ART CASE and get through the existing buildings in a playful way. The reciprocal effect of the surroundings and the Singapore Art Gallery with its ART CUBES continues from the inside to the outside. Single ART CUBES flow out of the building transporting art as landmarks into public space. They dock at significant places of the city and open up for passers-by, hereby attracting attention and triggering interest in the Gallery.The ART CUBES are the key to the gallery opening the door to art. They offer space for interaction, e.g. in changing exhibitions with young artists, small galleries or installations.
Location: Singapore
Year: 2007
Status: Competition, settled