05 Jul 2006
Quiksilver showroom

The clothing manufacturer Quiksilver commissioned CBA with the conversion and redesign of the retail showroom in Munich in 2006. Targeted, partial alterations with the use of rough, coarse materials such as rusty steel panels, galvanized grates, and PVC multi-skin sheets emphasize the open, loft-like character of the presentation area. Designed as a continuous process, new furniture modules can be added or removed again and again in the coming years.


Location: Munich, Germany
Year of construction: 2006
Client: Quiksilver Europe
Size: 250 m²
Status: Completed

05 Jul 2006
Trade fair stand Flos

The Italian lamp manufacturer Flos needed a trade fair stand concept to be developed on an area of just 23 m². Together with e.w.enture, CBA designed a spatial sequence of four frames which thematically divided the stand area into different areas such as product presentation, meeting, or information. By stringing together the frames, the trade fair stand gained a considerably larger visual depth than expected with the actual 4.50 m. The large-scale use of striking company colors on the back wall in contrast to the white wall, ceiling, and floor areas increased this impression. The light, homogeneous lighting and the framed view from the inside and outside let the visitors feel like actors in the scenery. Logos, a presentation table, and an information desk were integrated into the frames through inward and outward folds.


Location: Munich, Germany
Year of construction: 2006
Client: Flos
Size: 25 m²
Status: Completed

05 Jul 2005

Description to follow.


Location: Munich, Germany
Year of construction: 2005
Size: 19,000 m²
Status: Competition, settled

05 Jul 2005
Tsunami Memorial

The idea of the masterplan is to design three different sculptures inside the competition boundaries to create a space of nature and architecture, of silence and contemplation, science and culture, artificial and natural. The sculptures will be a tower (Museum/Memorial), a platform (Visitor Center, Learning Center, Conference area) and a cave (parking). The tower placed at the coast looking like a lighthouse over the Andaman sea and the beautiful surrounding green of the Khao Lak-Lam Roo National park. The platform in the south west of the site is embed in the trees and lifted up from the ground to preserve the nature. The parking-cave between the Visitor Center and Highway No.4 keeping the cars from the site-surface under the ground.


Location: Khao Lak, Thailand
Year: 2005
Status: Competition, settled

18 May 2004
Eco Center Busan

The building exists of clear and visible elements: two shifted platforms which form the floor and the roof of the museum; translucent facades and cubes inside which contain the exhibition. The visitor enters the building in the north over a ramp. Passing the entrance hall he reaches the exhibition area of the museum. The content of the exhibition is shown chronologically from past to present and future. Beside the public spaces there are two cubes with internal uses at the north and the south of the building (administration in the north and research center in the south). Over the cafeteria/lounge in the south of the building, the visitor can continue his way into park.


Location: Busan, South Korea
Year: 2004
Status: Competition, settled

18 May 2004
Franz Liszt Concert Hall

Description to follow.


Location: Raiding, Austria
Year: 2004
Status: Competition, settled